How many marketing questions were
on your licensing exam? Probably zero.
You know contracting, we know marketing...

Founded over ten years ago, the MegaMarketer Coaching Club is the first devoted solely to marketing strategies
that drive sales for contractors. As a member, you get one-on-one coaching with experts who build
a custom marketing plan, then work with you to implement, track, and optimize your results.

Join today and for just $9 shipping + handling, you'll get:

A Full Month of Gold MegaMarketer Coaching – $129 value

One-on-one coaching, The MegaMarketer Newsletter, plus podcasts with
industry leaders, featuring specific marketing and sales questions.

A "LIVE" 1-on-1 Marketing Assessment Plan – $279 value

Hands-on, customized review by a trained marketing coach
to help create a tailor-made marketing plan for you.

A copy of Multiply Your Leads, Sales & Profits – $19 value

28 blistering chapters of information on virtually every facet of contractor marketing,
delivered by the top contractor marketing strategist in the nation.

At any time before or after your month, you can CANCEL by notifying our office. No harm done.

Now ONLY $9 – that’s just shipping and handling!

Bimonthly MegaMarketer subscription included at $8/year.

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