Contractors trying to book as many appointments as they can each day recognize that time is money. But don’t forget that human customers are a part of the equation, and psychological studies (plus your dawdling children) will tell you: Humans don’t like to be rushed.

Customer service for contractors is missing a crucial element when it’s based on how quickly you can get to the next call instead of how well your customer is being served. Customers appreciate knowing you care, that you’re interested in them and their particular problem – and are not just looking for fast cash and a quick exit.

Call-takers and techs should be efficient as they handle requests and solve problems, but not too busy that customers feel as if you’re trying to get out of there before they ask another silly question.

What happens if your customers get a few more minutes of your time? They’re likely to feel more satisfied with their service, more likely to be retained as a customer and more likely to refer others. And one of the best ways to spend a few extra minutes is to present the benefits of enrolling in a Maintenance Agreement.

Start this at the appointment-setting time by having your call-taker ask, “Will you be getting a discount on this call?” If the customer says, “I don’t know,” your CSR says, “I’ll ask our tech to tell you about our Comfort Club.”

After the repair is completed, the tech takes seconds to ask, “May I show you how you can save 20% on this repair today?” From there, he presents the benefits of a Maintenance Agreement, and potentially signs up a customer for long-term loyalty and retention.