3 Things Your Facebook Page Must Have

3 Things Your Facebook Page Must Have

Have you heard about all the new things going on in Social Media? Just kidding. Nobody has ever heard all the new things about Social Media. Social Media always evolves, adapts and launches new platforms. Thus, “figuring it all out” is not a marketing goal. Marketers instead should focus on logical, rational steps, such as: get started, follow a system, be helpful, connect with others and build relationships.

Facebook is clearly the primary platform. This is not a replacement for your website but is a place to create an alternate online environment that shows up in searches and provides the info prospects need to know about who you are and what you do. In your profile:

  1. Tell the Essentials. That’s more than the name of your company. It also means create the marketing copy that tells the story of who you are and explains the benefits customers receive, while it provides the essentials such as your phone number, links to your website and a list of the services you offer. Provide what the first-time visitor needs to know to learn more about you, contact your company, ask a question, schedule an appointment or refer you to a friend.

  2. Tell Your Story With Images. For Social platforms to grab attention in this scroll-and-scan environment, you need compelling images. A page of text may be informative, but what good will that do you if no one stops to read it? Start telling your story with your profile and cover images, and keep that message going with the images you share in your posts.

  3. Engage in Continuing Conversations. Post content regularly. An inactive page can send the message of an inactive, inattentive company. Provide relevant and timely content that serves and informs your market. For example, share tips about home improvement, home safety, energy savings, weather concerns or other helpful info.